Pynoddy modules, classes and functions

Basic modules (low-level access)

The modules in this section provide low-level access to the functionality in Noddy. Basically, these modules provide parsers for Noddy input and output files and class definitions for suitable Noddy elements.

Main module

History file parser: pynoddy.history

Output file parser: pynoddy.output

Additional useful classes

Modules for Kinematic experiments

The modules described in this section are designed to provide a high-level access to the kinematic modelling functionality in Noddy. The modules encapsulate the required aspects of complete experiments, including input file generation, adaptation of parameters, random number generation, model computation, and postprocessing.

Base classes for pynoddy experiments

The base class for any type of experiments is defined in the pynoddy.experiment module.

MonteCarlo class

This class provides the basic functionality to perform MonteCarlo error propagation experiments with Noddy.

SensitivityAnalysis class